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Barbara Gravelli is a 47 years old Italian photographer, videomaker and screenplayer based in Rome, 

Working as a consultant for international organization as United Nation and its specialized agencies.

She is expert in reportage, advertising and portraits.

Barbara Gravelli has experienced reportage in Western Africa such as Mauritania and Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Chad, Niger, Near East in Tunisia and Asia in Tahiland and Tajikistan. 

For private sector: No mas vello, Ultralimited sun glasses, Bioetika, Morol . TV production, La Luisa Cioccolata and more. 


In 2013 she has been sponsored by FAO and the Embassy of Cote d'Ivoire for the International World Food Day with a photo exhibit at the International Museo Pigorini. 
A permanet photo exhibit  is held at the Embassy of Cote d'Ivoire based in Rome. 

Barbara Gravelli is also manager of the photo factory school at Beevisual Studio. 

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